Hello Newville Little League Families.

We hope that you are staying healthy, safe and active as we continue to wait out the state quarantine restrictions. In conjunction with District 14 we are excited to announce our preliminary plan for playing baseball this season. As of now we have a tentative season start date of June 1st. We will begin with 2 weeks of practice, followed by 7 weeks of games wrapping up July 31st. Although a later than normal start date, this will allow us to get in the same number of weeks as our normal spring season. Our goal, along with district 14, is to play a spring/summer season, even if abbreviated, and then hold a district tournament from August 1st through August 16th. The district level will be the highest of the tournament levels as the sectional, state, regional and international tournaments have been cancelled by Little League this year.

All we are waiting on is the state to ease the quarantine restrictions so we can play ball!

The Little League volunteers and board members have continued to maintain the facility and manage the finances so the Little League can be ready for you and your families to enjoy this season. Jim Sturm has the fields ready for play and in beautiful condition, the T-ball field has a shiny new fence, and the shirts and hats are here and ready for our little leaguers to put on so they look good showing off their skills on the diamond.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Little League Board, contact information at newvillell.org, or your manager.