Hello Newville Little League Families!
As we turn the page to fall, we have the unique opportunity to host a travel baseball tournament the weekends of October 10th and 11th and October 17th and 18th at our Little League complex. Tournament registration fees and concessions stand sales from the Charlie Hoover Fall Classic Tournament will go directly to the Little League and help to offset field and complex maintenance cost and player registration fees for next season. Our Little League complex runs 100% on revenue from concession stand sales, donations, business sponsorship, registration fees and volunteer hours. The delayed and condensed 2020 Little League season has reduced the leagues income with lower player registrations as well as the limited amount of time that the concession stand was able to operate.
In the past, Newville Little League and our local travel baseball team the Big Spring Bulldogs, have organized and ran successful tournaments that were hosted at the Newville Little League Complex. These tournaments have generated thousands of dollars in registration fees and concession stand sales to offset expenses and continue to keep Little League registration fees low.
The Newville Little League Board is asking for volunteers from our Newville Little League Community to make these tournament weekends a success and help to replace lost revenue from our shortened 2020 season. We are looking for families to volunteer to help in the concession stand, run scoreboards and prep the fields between games. Any amount of time you can volunteer will be greatly appreciated and helpful.
A nice perk to volunteering and helping at the complex is that you will get to see some of the best travel baseball teams from the surrounding areas play exciting, high quality baseball. If possible, bring your Little Leaguer out to the complex on these weekends to experience some great baseball, support our league, and root on our local Bulldog travel teams, made up of Newville Little Leaguers who will also be playing.
To register for a time to volunteer and find out more information please contact by phone or text:
Lindsey Gayman 717-385-3430 to volunteer at the Concession stand
Scott Bechtold 717-314-4437 to volunteer for scoreboards and field prep
Thank you in advance from the entire Newville Little League Board of Directors for your help in making these two weekends a huge financial success for our Little League Complex!